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Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
The "power of positive thinking" is a common idea that might seem a touch cliche at times. However, several scientific studies have proved the physical and emotional advantages of optimistic thinking. A positive attitude may boost your confidence, enhance your mood, and even lower your risk of acquiring diseases like hypertension, depression, and other stress-related ailments. All of this sounds nice, but what exactly does the "power of positive thought" imply? Optimistic thinking may be defined as positive imagery, positive self-talk, or overall optimism, although these are all broad, vague ideas. If you want to think and act more positively, you'll need real examples to guide you through the process. Here are seven examples:

1. Begin each day by repeating a positive affirmation

The way you start your day sets the tone for the rest of the day. Have you ever gotten out of bed late, worried, and then felt as though nothing positive occurred the rest of the day? This is most likely because you began the day with a bad mood and a gloomy outlook, which carried over into every subsequent incident you encountered. Instead of allowing this to consume you, begin each day with optimistic affirmations. Even if you feel ridiculous, tell yourself in the mirror, "Today will be a fantastic day" or "I'm going to be amazing today." You'll be surprised at how much better your day becomes.

2. Concentrate on the positives, no matter how little

There will almost always be challenges throughout the day—there is no such thing as a flawless day. When faced with such a situation, concentrate on the positives, no matter how little or insignificant they seem. For example, if you are stopped in traffic, consider how much time you now have to listen to the remainder of your favorite podcast. If the shop is out of the meal you want to make, consider the excitement of trying something new.

3. Find comedy in difficult circumstances

Allow yourself to laugh even in the darkest or most difficult moments. Remind yourself that this incident will most likely make for an interesting narrative later on, and attempt to make a joke about it. Assume you've been laid off; consider the most stupid way you could spend your final day or the silliest job you might have next, such as kangaroo handler or bubblegum sculptor.

4. Turn setbacks into learning opportunities

You are not flawless. You will make errors and suffer failure in a variety of situations, careers, and relationships. Instead of concentrating on how you failed, consider what you'll do differently next time—turn your failure into a learning experience. Make clear rules out of this. As a consequence, you may develop three new project management rules, for example.

5. Switch from negative to positive self-talk

Negative self-talk is easy to develop and frequently goes unnoticed. You could think I'm terrible at this or that I shouldn't have attempted it. However, these beliefs become internalized sentiments and may entrench your perceptions of oneself. Stop and replace those negative thoughts with positive ones if you notice yourself doing this. For instance, I'm so poor at this that I'll be much better at this with more practice. I should not have attempted since it did not go as planned—maybe next time.

6. Concentrate on the current moment

I'm referring to the present—not today, not this hour, but simply now. Your supervisor may be yelling at you, but what exactly is going on that is so horrible right now? Forget what he said five minutes ago. Forget what he may say in five minutes. Concentrate on this one specific time. In most cases, you'll discover that it's not as horrible as you think it is. The majority of causes of negativity arise from a recent experience or an overblown vision of a prospective future occurrence. Maintain your focus on the current moment.

7. Surround yourself with positive friends, mentors, and coworkers

You will hear optimistic outlooks, happy anecdotes, and great affirmations if you surround yourself with positive individuals. Their encouraging comments will soak in and influence your own way of thinking, which will then influence your remarks and add to the group. Finding positive individuals to fill your life with might be challenging, but you must eradicate negativity before it consumes you. Do everything you can to boost the optimism of others, and allow their happiness to rub off on you. Almost everybody in any scenario may apply these lessons to their own lives and improve their outlook. As you would expect, positive thinking has compounding effects, so the more you practice it, the more advantages you'll get.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
While paper plates and disposable flatware may be the cleaner option, we all prefer pulling out our finest china and silverware for Thanksgiving. However, utilizing this style of tableware might leave you with quite a mess; cleaning it up may mean missing out on time with loved ones, adding another layer of stress to your vacation. We talked with a specialist who specializes in cleaning up after large parties to help you approach the dishwashing procedure more effectively. Learn how to deal with the aftermath of Thanksgiving.

Dish and Song

According to Shelleylyn Brandler, the creator of TaDa! Catering, there are two approaches to the dishes after your dinner. "Before dessert, ask your guests to assist with the dishes. My visitors usually offer, so I don't have to ask. We also have a dishwasher to make things simpler "she explains, adding that she finds methods to make this duty enjoyable. "I like doing sing-alongs and doing the dishes to songs that everyone knows. It's also known as 'dirty dishes and dance' or'song and dish.'"

Allow Time to Pass

Do you feel awkward asking your guests to contribute in? If this is the case, Brandler advises storing your dirty dishes and waiting for a better moment to eat them. "Remove any crumbs from the plates and place them on the counter. Cover them with kitchen towels until you're ready to begin cleaning them "She advises that if you take this way, you should still soak your silverware. "However, I like to finish all the dishes before dessert so that I don't have to worry about it the following day."

Order is Important

If you, like Brandler, prefer to handle the load sooner rather than later, she suggests utilizing her tried-and-true strategy for dealing with a big number of dishes. "My dishwashing routine has always been to soak silverware first, then wash dishes, glasses, then pots and pans," she explains. "In addition, I soap everything on one side of the sink before stacking and rinsing on the other. If you don't have a dishwasher, you'll need a huge dish rack."

Disposables Shouldn't Be Knocked Down

You don't have to choose between disposable and porcelain plates. Brandler recommends mixing and matching instead. "There's no shame in using excellent plastic cups and disposable pans for turkey, stuffing, and yams to lighten the burden," she adds, emphasizing the need of choosing high-quality, visually attractive, and recyclable solutions.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Matheus Cenali from Pexels
There are various sorts of apples to pick from at the grocery store or farmers' market, whether you like Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Fuji, Red Delicious, or heritage varietals. Whatever your preference, the perfect apple will be crisp, juicy, sweet, and maybe a bit sour, depending on the type. But how long will it remain like way when you get it home? We spoke with two experts to find out how to keep apples fresh for as long as possible, including if refrigerating them is the best method to preserve apples. Ken Wortz, head distiller at Sauvage Distillery in Charlottesville, New York, which just produced Upstate Vodka made solely from New York State apples, and chef Laura Scheck, founder of Teaching Table, urge home chefs to cook more, buy less, and waste nothing via tailored instruction and hands-on culinary workshops, are our apple experts.

How to Store Apples Properly

Apples, like other pome fruits such as pears and quince, should be stored in a cool, dry, shady location, according to Wortz. Scheck continues, "the optimal location to keep apples will depend on your particular climatic circumstances (such as how warm or humid it is in your house), how long you want to preserve the apples, and where and how you store other veggies." Apples, for example, may stay up to ten months in a low-temperature root cellar.

Refrigerator vs. Countertop

Wortz and Scheck agree that the crisper drawer of your refrigerator is an excellent spot to keep apples if you want to extend their shelf life. "They may be preserved in the refrigerator for six to eight weeks," explains Wortz. Scheck adds that if your room temperature is on the warm side, the refrigerator is good for keeping apples even for shorter periods of time. Even if you don't refrigerate them, they may still survive one to two weeks on the counter.

Keep Them Apart From Other Fruits

"Apples emit the gaseous hormone ethylene, which causes other fruits and vegetables to mature quicker, particularly if the apples themselves are injured or overripe," adds Scheck. "If you don't want to stimulate ripening of other fruit, put apples in a plastic tub or bag in the fridge, or in their own produce drawer." If they're on the counter, she recommends storing them in their own dish, apart from other fruits, or in a paper bag.

One Bad Apple...

"Be cautious to remove flaws or eat apples with bruises and blemishes promptly, since they can encourage the other apples to decay," Scheck advises. "If you are keeping multiple apples together, it is important to continuously monitoring them since one poor apple can also harm the rest," says Wortz.

How Long Do Apples Last?

"Store-bought apples have already been kept and have spent time in transit," explains Wortz. "They may be stored in cold storage for months after being plucked. However, once purchased, they will survive one week out of the refrigerator and six to eight weeks in the refrigerator." Scheck recommends putting apples in the fridge as soon as they are chopped. To avoid browning, "wrap them firmly in plastic or beeswax wrap and eat within a few days," she advises. "Or put some lemon juice on them."

Preventing Food Waste

"Use your blemished or damaged apples right immediately (removing and discarding the bruised sections, of course)," advises Scheck. "If you can't consume the apples right away, convert them into applesauce or compote to use later as a pie or turnover filling, or juice them and preserve the juice for another day. Just utilize them!"
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Jason Boyd from Pexels
If you're planning a significant home improvement project that encompasses numerous rooms and tasks, you may be unsure where to begin. Should you start in common rooms like the kitchen or living room to get them out of the way, or should you start in out-of-the-way locations so that those social spaces can be used for longer? We chatted with Oren Farkash, the CEO and owner of South Land Remodeling, to decide the best technique for your next home makeover.

If you're doing the remodeling on your own...

If your renovation ideas are minor, or if they are primarily cosmetic (think painting, tiling, or flooring), you may do them yourself. If this is the case, Farkash advises that you should base your strategy on how comfortable you are with living beside a construction site. He recommends breaking the job down into chunks, deciding on a starting point that works for you, and then working your way through nearby or adjoined spaces—all while resisting the need to bounce around to various locations, which may extend your remodeling effort. "It's also a good idea to start with your top priority," he adds, which for most homeowners is the kitchen. "This way, if you run out of money or energy, you've completed the most essential task." This makes deciding on a beginning point very personal—but in the end, this strategy will make you the happy. Still unsure? Farkash recommends starting with the repairs in your first-priority room and then moving on to the aesthetic upgrades after they are finished. Consider the following alternative: Get the most difficult jobs completed first. "Start with the messiest things first since it will produce a visible improvement, which feels like a pleasant result," he adds, which will eventually drive you to keep going.

If you're going to hire a professional...

If the remodel is more significant and needs the assistance of a professional, your order will usually be prescribed by professionals who must come in and manage them. For example, in most circumstances, plumbing and electrical work must be completed together. Farkash believes that if your staff asks for your choice, you can't go wrong with an inside-out method. "Start from the inside (consider mechanical elements in the walls and floors) and work your way out," he advises. One of the advantages of employing a professional team for bigger, multi-trade projects is that they will know where to begin—and where to proceed from there. "In the long term, these professionals can complete these renovations quicker, so you don't have to live in a remodeling workplace for any longer than necessary," Farkash explains.

Whatever you do, don't make a bad decision.

Working in the wrong order might have severe consequences (which is another reason why hiring a professional team is so critical). Farkash warns that needing to perform repairs may result in you squandering time and money (especially if your mistakes involve paint or flooring stain). Furthermore, larger disasters may need the services of a professional. "Working in a systematic approach will save you time and money, and you will complete the job quicker with cleaner, better outcomes," he says.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Andre Furtado from Pexels
So you've been in a long-term relationship for what seems like FOREVER. You've gone through the first battle, and then the second, third, fourth, and hundredth (hopefully unhurt), and now you're at the conclusion of the movie when the closing scene fades to black, the titles roll, and the romantic comedy concludes. Schedules, to-do lists, late evenings spent working, early alarm clocks, dishes to do, and errands to do are all part of everyday life anymore. So, how do you keep the romance going when the romantic comedy turns into, well, real life? *In a Carrie Bradshaw-esque tone, I inquired* Sure, planning a fancy candlelit dinner for which you actually shave your legs or a weekend getaway with sun and lots of margaritas can temporarily restore the spark in a relationship, but what about keeping the spark alive in your mundane daily routine—when there are no white beaches or spicy margaritas, when you aren't eating steak and gulping red wine by candlelight, and when your legs are more werewolf than human? The lazy girl in me cringes at the following remark, but the fact is that it takes effort to keep the spark alive in an LTR. The good news is that if you're with the right one (dare I say, "The One"), it won't feel like an effort.

Why do individuals lose "the spark" in the first place?

Couples lose their spark for a variety of reasons, including long distances, conflicting schedules, or developing anger. However, even in the finest relationships, romanticism will fade if you don't work on it. If you're a scientist (which I clearly am not), think of it as a muscle: if you don't use it, it weakens. As the days, months, and years pass, butterflies become to-do lists, and a relationship may become a habit. Life may seem demanding and hectic due to jobs, commitments, or children. Having a spouse who is the one consistent or sure thing in your life is wonderful — rom-com material, even! — but it may also make it easier to prioritize your partner and your relationship when you know they're a given. Not spending enough quality time together and focusing less on the relationship might leave you both feeling somewhat dissatisfied, undervalued, or even miserable. Rewind your rom-com and, in the words of Taylor Swift (aka the only person my 13-year-old self needed to consult about love issues), "Sparks Fly" again with these 10 strategies to keep the romance alive in your relationship:

How to Maintain the Spark in a Relationship

1. Request something fresh every week

Knowing what "the spark" means to you is the first step in keeping it alive. Because we all have distinct love languages, it's possible that what makes you feel loved and appreciated differs from what makes your spouse feel loved and appreciated. This implies that we offer and exhibit love in a variety of ways. Instead of expecting that your spouse would show your love in the manner you want or experiencing anger when they do not, trust your relationship enough to ask for what you want. Make it a game by thinking up something really specific that you each have to focus on for the week at the start of each week. Perhaps you'd want them to organize a surprise date, send you flowers one day, or complement your appearance. Perhaps they'll want more one-on-one time with you or more positive comments on their efforts. Although it is only meant to last a week, actions will teach your spouse not just what makes you feel loved, but also how to make you feel loved. If they see how delighted you are when they do anything once or twice, whether it's organizing a date night or complementing the startling color of your eyes, it will become routine.

2. Turn off your phone

Okay, so maybe this one is a touch cliche. I mean, you've been instructed to put your phone away at the dinner table since you were a pre-teen—you've heard it from your mother enough, and you don't need to hear it from me. If I know anything about mobile phone addiction (and I do), I know how simple it is for that sneaky little iPhone to sneak into your life when you're watching Netflix, driving in the vehicle, or even having dinner together. As innocuous as a TikTok scroll may seem, cherish every moment you spend together. When you're enjoying a meal, a chat, or a good old-fashioned binge-watching session, put your phone aside. When you're together, stay present.

3. Maintain eye contact

Romance does not have to be ignited by great gestures or public shows of affection—intimacy occurs in the smallest of moments. Making eye contact with your spouse has scientific support (see, I can be scientific!)—it generates neuronal synchronization and releases oxytocin. Eye contact makes your brain feel more linked to another person, in words that didn't originate from a chemical textbook. When you're talking, make eye contact so your spouse knows you're listening and can better connect with you (again, put the phone away!). When you're in a crowded room or out at a party, try to lock eyes across the room (there's a reason it's a classic rom-com meet-cute! ), or keep eye contact longer than you normally do in random situations (but not for too long that it goes all serial killer—10 seconds of eye contact and a cute little smirk is plenty).

4. Experiment with something new together

Break out of your routine, whether it's going to a different location or enrolling in a new culinary class. We frequently get numb to many of the reasons we love and respect our Sig Oth when we're locked in a routine (mine certainly enjoys the fact that I sometimes refer to him as my "Sig Oth"). Trying something new is not only thrilling and interesting but seeing your spouse in a completely different situation can teach you things you never knew about them and/or remind you why you fell in love with them in the first place. You could fall in love with them all over again... you've been warned!

5. Spend some time away

Whether your regular relationship is to spend every waking hour connected at the hip like Mary Kate and Ashley (during the early 2000s), or you've been living thousands of miles away for years, time apart might be beneficial. Even whether it's simply an hour at a hot yoga class or a weekend away on a ladies' vacation, spending some time apart will allow your spouse to miss you and vice versa. Doing your own thing will also provide you with something fresh to catch up on and discuss, breaking you out of your typical pattern. I don't think I need to suggest self-care, but spending time for yourself and doing what you want every now and then will boost your confidence. And we've all seen what occurs when a woman leads with confidence... hi there, spark!

6. Begin a dialogue

When was the last time you really spoke to your partner? A talk that didn't entail to-do lists or happen in the few minutes before bedtime? Sharing a genuine, emotional connection entails talking about your future, caring about what's on the other person's mind, fantasizing together, or reconnecting about your relationship's demands. If your only talks these days begin with "How was work?" or "Here's what we have to accomplish tomorrow," attempt to initiate a more in-depth discussion. During dinner, ask, "What is something you want to do but are afraid of?" may ask, "What's your favorite thing about our relationship?" before going to bed. According to psychology, it takes five positive events for every bad encounter (such as a fight or argument) to feel like you're in a joyful, exciting relationship. Even if it's challenging, try to make the bulk of your interactions interesting, humorous, or entertaining. The remainder might be humdrum scheduling, conflicts, or routine.

7. Kiss

Remember when making out by the lockers was the thing to do as a teenager? And it was so thrilling because it was the only thing to do. Times have changed (for the better), but make sure kissing remains a component of your relationship. I don't mean kissing in general (I hope you're not thinking in Pretty Woman's terms), but rather kissing that's spontaneous and meaningful, as in high school. Kissing should not be limited to merely saying hello and goodbye or initiating intimacy. When there's no expectation or purpose for it—when you're going out to dinner, in the midst of a discussion, or simply to spontaneously remind them you love them—kiss deeply and passionately.

8. Make laughing with others a primary priority

Laughter is not only the finest medicine, but it is also the best-kept secret for keeping the flame alive. You know how you can make a joke about a fight or an event and say, "Someday we'll laugh at this?" Why put it off till someday? When you're in it for the long haul, there's nothing to take too seriously—when you can, find the comedy in your fights or awkward situations. Watching something you know will make you laugh and create inside jokes as much as it will help you establish trust. Bring up humorous memories, email your partner memes that reflect your common sense of humor, and tease each other like middle schoolers. Life is too brief to take things too seriously, particularly when doing so extinguishes your fire.

9. Make an effort to impress one another

If you're in a long-term relationship, your spouse has probably seen you through post-Taco Bell bloat, the heavy day hell on your period, and maybe the delivery of a kid or two. Sure, your lover has probably seen you at your worst—after all, love is seeing someone at their worst and treating them as though they are at their finest. But do you remember when you used to dress up for them? Perhaps you put on a full face of makeup only to see a movie together at first, or you donned your most beautiful clothing for a simple dinner date. Channel the same drive to impress them and make an effort to look and feel your best, whether it's putting on body oil after a shower (also serves as self-care!) or wearing high heels to a dinner date. For this one, you must both be on the same page. If you make an effort and your spouse doesn't notice or tries to impress you, you'll feel underappreciated. If they're the kind of person who tells you how gorgeous you are even when you're not wearing heels or contouring properly (who cares? ), and if they want to constantly make you proud and wow you, they deserve a little extra effort now and again, whatever that effort means to you.

10. Make a change instead of expecting for a change from your spouse

If you are continuously urging your spouse to say or do more romantic things, it might seem like nagging. Instead of always asking, consider how much more you can give to your mate. When you're with the proper person, they'll notice your additional effort and feel compelled to reciprocate. Be liberal with your devotion, and if you really love them, show it. If everything else fails, consider the behaviors you both displayed at the start of your relationship. Consider how you felt about them, how you treated them, and how much you wanted to make them happy. If you behave as if it's the beginning, it could never end. *Insert Happily Ever After*
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels
It is tempting to believe that certain individuals are just innately positive or negative, and this may be true in some circumstances. However, the fact is that the happiest individuals are those who actively choose to pick themselves up and appreciate the wonderful things in life every day. According to Mayo Clinic research, purposeful positive thinking not only decreases everyday stress but also the risk of heart disease and other physical problems. A healthy, happy mind really helps individuals live longer lives. Don't wait until you feel better to start living healthier, both emotionally and physically – start living healthier now so you can feel better later. Take our word for it. Changing your perspective on life is a lengthy process, but it is doable in stages. You must begin small and gradually introduce new behaviors that will gradually replace the old, damaging ones. Here are a few methods to start shifting your thinking processes if you want to welcome more happiness into your life.

1. Listen to Uplifting Music

We all like music. It both inspires and entertains us. Even sorrowful music may let us appreciate the entire gamut of our emotions. But listening to the same thing over and over again is certain to have an impact on us. Pay attention to the words of the songs you're listening to on repeat. Are they motivating? Is the music's pace energizing? Find a few upbeat songs from any genre and add them to your playlist. Use Pandora or Spotify to locate similar tracks. Allow them to serve as the soundtrack to your newfound optimism.

2. Make a Sunshine Folder

This might be either a real folder on your desk or a file on your computer's desktop. Fill it with items that make you happy. Photos of family, closest friends, treasured moments, gorgeous artwork, or inspirational quotations that inspire you. Return to the folder anytime you see yourself dragging. This is your own beautiful universe; it reflects everything positive in your life and who you aspire to be.

3. Practice Positive Self-Speak

According to research professor Brené Brown, we should "talk to ourselves as we would someone we love." You would never say harsh things about yourself to a loved one, so why is it OK to say them to yourself? You would never keep someone around who was continually putting you down. You want support and comfort from your buddies. You must also be a friend to yourself. Give yourself some leeway. When you're struggling, remind yourself, "I'm learning." When you glance in the mirror, tell yourself, "I look terrific today." When you don't know anything, say to yourself, "I'll look it up." If you repeat anything enough times, you will begin to believe it. Choose to repeat good things.

4. Surround Yourself with Positive Individuals

It's difficult to be cheerful in the presence of naysayers and bullies. If the people around you are continually pointing out defects and issues in the world, you will feel the same way. It's difficult enough to keep oneself upbeat without having people bring you down. Look for friends who are already optimistic and healthy. Encourage one another and develop healthy habits together.

5. Spread Your Happiness

According to a Chinese saying, "if you desire happiness for a lifetime, assist someone else." Have you ever realized how satisfying it is to make someone laugh? Or to get a firmly squeezed embrace when you offer someone a thankful gift? Bringing pleasure into the lives of others is one of the most effective methods to produce happiness on your own. Tell them they are lovely. Pay for someone else's coffee. When you grab someone's attention on the street, smile. You never know how much that compassion will be appreciated. And, perhaps, they will pay it forward.

6. "Does This Matter?"

It's easy to get caught up in the minutiae of each day. Getting cut off in traffic, getting into a heated dispute, and spoiling your favorite clothing. Sometimes all of these things seem to occur on the same day, and you are confident that it is the worst day of our life. But how many of these factors are really important in the long run? You'll ultimately forget about the vehicle and the quarrel, and you'll discover a new favorite garment. When you find yourself lingering on the negative aspects of the day, try to remember all of the great aspects as well. They're there; don't overlook them because a handful of little misfortunes have left you in a bad mood.

7. Take a deep breath and pause

Positivity is a decision made every minute of every day, and with the correct resolution, it can become a natural response. The skill of "pausing" is the last tactic to try. Pause and consider the facts before reacting to any circumstance. Don't let your emotions get the best of you. If being upset, shouting, or storming away from the situation does not seem to be constructive, take a deep breath and consider how you want to behave. Then just do it.

Instill Positive Thinking, But Watch Out for Toxic Positivity

Positive thinking is effective and may change your perspective and life, but it is not a panacea. Positive thinking may not be able to influence some aspects of your life, mind, or body. Simply "thinking positive" isn't always the greatest option. When positivity is exploited as a panacea for all problems, it may become poisonous. In certain circumstances, more than a good attitude is required. Major life upheavals, bereavement, painful events, and severe sadness are just a few examples of things that are unlikely to be remedied by a "positive vibes only" attitude. If you need more assistance than a cheerful attitude, seek it out. Make contact with a buddy. Contact a helpline. Alternatively, make an appointment with an expert who can assist you. Therapy and counseling may assist you in overcoming obstacles and laying the groundwork for your positive thinking to show through. (With virtual treatment alternatives, you can even obtain help from the comfort of your own home.) You don't have to be enslaved by negative thinking. If you need assistance, ask for it. Download our free booklet, which contains 75 recommendations for living a happier, healthier life, for additional ideas on how to welcome more positivity into your existence.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by ELEVATE from Pexels
Friendships at their finest may seem welcoming, secure, and magical as if you and another had what it takes to fill each other's universe. People often tell me as a contemporary love therapist that they feel more seen and heard by their platonic friends than by family, spouses, and coworkers. Friendships, however, become more difficult as we age, sometimes causing uncertainty and pain. It may be difficult to know whether to attempt to reconnect, when to allow the connection room for the natural ebbs and flows of intimacy, and when to terminate it with dignity. Friendships fade for a variety of reasons, some understandable and others not so much. It's natural to lose contact when you move across the nation, marry someone with conflicting political beliefs, or go through various life phases at different times. In other circumstances, there is a lack of reciprocity for no apparent reason, or not enough threads of connection are being spun to maintain the relationship's fabric. It might be difficult to know whether to seek connection if you realize you're less connected to someone than previously but aren't sure why. What's the difference between regular changes in proximity and harmful distance that indicates the end is near? What does it say if you keep putting off getting that drink and making excuses about your availability? Should you speak out about what's not working in the relationship, or should you leave to allow room for more loving ones? We must prioritize who and what is essential to us with so many demands on our time. While we cannot influence the actions and decisions of others, we can select who we invite into the ring of our life.

The justification for addressing, rather than ignoring, relationship distance

When partnerships no longer feel pleasant, many of us abandon them rather than confront the issues in front of them. When we cling on to relationships that don't seem clear, we create a framework of "stable ambiguity," or the condition of being too afraid to be alone but also being hesitant to truly, fully, honestly, and completely participate in the growth of intimacy, as relationship expert Esther Perel describes. The haziness might make us feel as if we're in a waiting room, waiting to see who will make the first move or bid for connection. The problem is that these agreements prevent us from seeking stronger relationships or, conversely, from saying no to individuals we don't want to have a front-row seat to our lives. Nobody in the partnership feels like their needs are being satisfied, which may be harmful to our mental and physical well-being.

Common causes of a friendship breakdown

Growing up entails having lived experiences

Our needs vary as we develop, and so do our relationships. Childhood friendships may have seemed steady, complete with routines like after-school playdates and library study sessions; they may have seemed to endure forever. Then comes maturity, when we no longer have the metronome that keeps us all on the same schedule. As our lived experiences mold us, we begin to walk down other routes, subscribe to different beliefs, and become new persons. While this is perfectly natural, we lack a cultural vocabulary for dealing with these relationship-destabilizing shifts. Many of us delay dealing with ends and transitions to escape the sadness that comes with them. Admitting that a friendship is no longer exciting or invigorating comes with sentiments of sadness, regret, or even wrath (the indicator of the presence of unmet needs).

In American society, the nuclear family and independence are emphasized at the price of friendship

There is a significant investment in marriage and the nuclear family, which is sanctioned by the state and monetarily rewarded with tax cuts and perks. The dating industrial complex is based on the notion that being single is a problem that must be solved-research and grant monies are devoted to understanding romantic love-recent estimates reveal that about 370 million individuals in the United States are seeking love online. I couldn't locate a single statistic that measured individuals who seek friendship online—we don't quantify it because we don't value it culturally. As adults, society is not naturally designed for us to form or retain friendships. As a result, many individuals feel alienated and estranged from their communities, relying too much on themselves or their spouses to feel fed. According to the Survey Center on American Life, the number of Americans who believe they don't have a single close buddy has doubled since 1990.

Capitalism is incompatible with relationship wellness

In a society where being busy and productive is a measure of worth—and an economy based on extracting as much work from people as possible for as little money as possible—it may be difficult to give relationships the space and energy they need to flourish. What we nurture develops, and it has become perfectly acceptable to blame work for not being able to invest in connection. Because there is no enforceable obligation or expectation that we show up at 9 a.m., friendships are entirely optional. Like our work, we must be ready to interact. As a result, many individuals put platonic connections on hold.

5 things to consider while making decisions in the name of intimacy and authenticity

1. Is this connection valuable to me?

Consider the individual you're conflicted about and ask yourself whether they still have value and significance in your life. What do you like about them? When you think about spending time with them, how do you feel in your body? Consider what you still gain from the relationship. Is familiarity still valuable to you? Is it comforting to have someone who knows about your history present in your life? Is there anything you still like about each other? Determine if you can change this person's position and your expectations of them (from best friend to peripheral friend, perhaps). You may determine that they still mean a lot to you, but you won't strive to connect with them in the same manner or at the same frequency.

2. In this relationship, how do I feel about giving?

If you've begun to experience resentment, it signifies you've gone over your limit. Resentment breeds distance and, in certain situations, disdain, and is a predictor of relationship breakdown. Consider how you feel about what you're giving out—your time, emotional energy, and so on—and ask yourself if there are any ways you may either preserve your energy and resources or ask for certain requirements to be satisfied.

3. What remained unsaid?

We often think that discussing difficult topics will result in a schism. In actuality, if acknowledging our emotions causes distance or conflict, we did not cause the issue; we just disclosed it. Spend some time considering what you may want to say that sounds difficult or frightening, and assess if the relationship can withstand hearing it. If it can't, share it with someone else in your life so that these sentiments are acknowledged. If it can, consider what needs to change for you to find the courage to share. Consider it a kind of advocacy for yourself and the relationship.

4. Can I wait for this individual?

Life is a lengthy journey. There may be times when they are apart and others when they are close. Consider if you can allow someone room to work through their difficulties while being open and connected to the desire for more in the future. How can you let them know you're giving them space and will connect with them when they're ready?

5. Can I utter my last words?

Goodbyes are often avoided in dominant white American society. We don't want to equate endings with sadness (defined as the shape love takes when someone you care about dies). Rather than ignoring the end of the connection and allowing it to fade, try participating in the process of "power parting," which is a method to end a relationship with compassion and integrity, leaving you and the other with clarity rather than uncertainty. The four main components of "power parting" are as follows: 1. Thank you for all I've learned from you. 2. This is what I take away from you. 3. This is what I want you to remember about me. 4. Moving ahead, this is what I hope for you. Many relationships have distinct starts, middles, and finishes. The issue isn't with these phases; it's when we attempt to ignore or struggle against their truth. Having the courage to pay attention to how relationships feel and what we want to do about them empowers us. It also opens additional chances for intimacy, either within current relationships or by making room in our life for new ones.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Everyone desires radiant, beautiful skin. But it's difficult for those of us who aren't born with naturally great genes to get there, particularly when you have skin issues like acne to contend with along the road. But all hope is not gone. Anyone can have excellent skin, and the greatest thing is? It is not always necessary to spend two months of your salary on any extravagant cosmetic procedure. Some skincare techniques, such as reduced redness, improved radiance, and acne management, require less work than you may expect to produce obvious effects over time. We questioned physicians, aestheticians, beauty gurus, and even a supermodel for their best-kept skin-care secrets. While they may require a lengthier commitment, these easy lifestyle changes are certain to provide major rewards.

Hydrate right after washing

According to Austin, Texas-based aesthetician Renée Rouleau, one of the most common skincare blunders is waiting too long after washing to apply moisturizer. "You only have a limited window after cleaning to put on a hydrating product before moisture begins to evaporate," explains Rouleau, whether it's face or body lotion. "If you let your skin to fully dry, the water on your skin, as well as any moisture in your skin, will begin to be drawn into the air." Ellen Marmur, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City, also suggests speeding up in the shower. "Long showers deplete your body's natural oils. That's why some individuals have an itching place on their back all the time."

Think about your water

"Soft water does not effectively dissolve soap, so it might leave a film on your skin," explains Susan H. Weinkle, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of South Florida. Use face and body cleansers sparingly if your water is soft (no more than a nickel- or quarter-size amount, respectively). Hard water, on the other hand, makes it difficult for washes to lather, requiring you to use more cleanser, which may create dryness. Gentle, non-soap compositions that aren't designed to lather may help to reduce this, according to Carolyn Jacob, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Chicago, Ill. Log on to the Environmental Protection Agency's website to verify the water quality in your region.

Maintain a healthy level of stress

It has an effect on almost every aspect of your body, including your skin. Researchers at Stanford University discovered that students who felt worried at test time had more severe acne outbreaks than those who were less stressed. According to Lisa Donofrio, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine, stress raises the body's production of hormones such as cortisol, which may make skin oilier and reduce its capacity to fight off acne-causing bacteria. Regularly practice stress-management strategies such as yoga, deep breathing, and meditation to keep that frayed sensation under control. Donofrio claims that this "may assist disorders such as acne, psoriasis, rosacea, and seborrhea."

Early and frequent exercise is recommended

"The skin's primary purpose is to control heat, so when you exercise, the blood vessels in the skin widen to bring warm blood to the surface, enabling heat to be transmitted out of the body and into the air. This gives you a flushed appearance "Dr. Marmur starts each day with 30 minutes of jogging, cycling, or basketball. Increasing blood flow also guarantees that your skin receives the oxygen and nutrients it needs to be healthy. "Your body's final priority is your skin. Because the blood flows first to the brain and key organs, having blood packed with nutrients rushing all the way to your skin first thing in the morning ensures that your day begins off healthily "Dr. Marmur explains

Rethink your skincare regime

Don't let your skincare go on autopilot, advises Dr. Marmur, who prefers to gather a conscious assortment of products before adjusting day by day. "I use a milder night cream if my skin looks well and feels comfortable," she explains. When the temperature lowers in October and my skin gets drier, I opt for a richer product." Similarly, some ladies expressed their love for masks, which aid in the treatment of transitory ailments such as sensitivity and dryness. "When I have my morning coffee, I apply an exfoliating clay mask followed by a moisturizing mask," Jessica Alba, creator of Honest Beauty, adds. Bonafide Beauty Lab's founder, Pamela Baxter.

Indoor solar exposure should be monitored

Yes, you read it correctly: UV radiation (particularly UVA rays) may enter your home and workplace windows, causing wrinkling and brown patches. The same is true for automobile windows: Because the left half of the face and upper body is more exposed while driving, studies have indicated a greater prevalence of skin cancer on that side. Aside from cancer, "many individuals have more wrinkles and sun damage on the left side of their faces," Donofrio observes. Make sun protection a no-brainer by always using an SPF moisturizer.

Take care of your skin from the inside out

"To maintain my face clean and firm, I consume collagen building blocks like copper, found in nuts and seeds, and lysine, found in legumes and lean meats," says Dr. Marmur, who adds that zinc and magnesium-rich foods also assist with acne. "I've seen overwhelming anecdotal evidence in my practice and in my own skin," says Dr. Marmur, despite the lack of mountains of scientific papers confirming that a balanced diet equals great skin. Whitney Bowe, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City, concurs; one glow-boosting tip she does when her skin seems sallow is to increase her beta-carotene intake by blending carrots or sweet potatoes. Finally, and you've probably heard this before: The majority of professionals polled agreed that drinking water is essential. Josie Maran, a model and the inventor of Josie Maran Cosmetics, uses flavoring to fool herself into drinking more. "I create infused waters with fruits, vegetables, and herbs," she explains. "I like to flavor water with sliced strawberries and basil." And what should you avoid? Dairy. Scientists aren't sure why milk products might cause acne, but some believe the natural hormones found in dairy may be to blame, according to Leslie Baumann, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Miami Beach, Fla., who adds that even organic milk can trigger outbreaks. Acne has also been related to cottage cheese, quick breakfast drinks, and sherbet. While cutting less on dairy will not fix a pimple issue on its own, doctors believe it may help people who suffer from severe outbreaks. (If you go this way, make sure you're receiving enough calcium from other foods, such as leafy greens, or take a supplement.)

Select water-based hair products

Some conditioners, pomades, volumizers, and styling creams include oils or waxes that may clog pores and cause acne, particularly on the brow, back and hairline. Even if you take care not to get them on your skin, they may run down your face and body when you wash or sweat, or be transferred by your pillowcase while you sleep. Instead, seek solutions that are water-based and avoid ones that include mineral oil, beeswax, or microcrystalline wax. Consider SEEN Haircare, a series of shampoos, conditioners, and styling aids designed to help reduce breakouts.

Examine your medical cabinet

Some oral contraceptives, antibiotics, fertility treatments, and antiseizure medications, according to Jerome Litt, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Beachwood, Ohio, may cause breakouts. Dry skin may be caused by antihistamines, diuretics, and certain antidepressants. Furthermore, many medicines, diuretics, and diabetic therapies might make you more susceptible to UV damage. "Talk to your doctor if you see your skin responding more while taking a certain medicine," Dr. Litt advises. "He or she may be able to reduce your dose or switch you to a different drug."

Have a nice night's sleep

"The skin heals itself at night," explains Dr. Bowe, "therefore the more sleep you receive, the more time your complexion has to regenerate." And the advantages are not just long-term. In many circumstances, you may view the findings the next morning. "The more sleep I get, the less makeup I require," Alba explains, "since my face looks naturally renewed." The inverse is also true. "An increase in cortisol levels may create under-eye puffiness," explains Dr. Bowe. "Beauty sleep is no laughing matter—you really need seven to eight hours. When you don't get enough sleep, your cortisol levels rise, which increases the pace of collagen breakdown, resulting in under-eye bags." "Yawning and squinting may also tear down collagen and elastin around the eyes," Dr. Bowe adds.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Monica Turlui from Pexels
Seeking shade, using sunscreen, and wearing sun-protective clothes all help to shield your skin from the sun's damaging UV rays. Dermatologists advise wearing these garments and accessories to protect yourself from the sun. Wearing sun-protective clothes, in addition to finding shade and using sunscreen, will help protect you from the sun's damaging UV rays, which can raise your risk of skin cancer. When it comes to sun protection, however, not all clothing is created equal, since certain clothes give higher UV protection than others. Look for thick textiles in dark or vivid hues and match them with suitable accessories. Dermatologists prescribe the following products to help protect your skin from the sun:

Shirts And Trousers That Are Lightweight And Long-sleeved

When spending time outside, it is critical to protect as much of your skin as possible. Avoid textiles with a loose or open weave, such as lace, while shopping for apparel. Furthermore, dark hues provide better protection than bright colors. A long-sleeved denim garment, for example, has an SPF of around 1,700, whereas a white t-shirt has an SPF of about 7. Furthermore, if you're going to the beach or pool, remember that dry clothing provides greater sun protection than damp clothes. Choose clothes with an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) number on the label for better sun protection.

UV-protective Sunglasses

Sunglasses are an essential component of your sun-protective outfit. When shopping for sunglasses, seek for lenses that provide UV protection. Lenses that seem dark may not provide UV protection, so check the label before buying. Furthermore, large-framed or wraparound sunglasses provide better sun protection than aviators, for example, so keep this in mind when choosing your sunglasses.

A Broad-brimmed Hat

A hat is an easy and efficient method to keep your face and neck covered. When choosing a hat, look for one with a broad brim to protect your ears, as well as your head and neck. Baseball caps and straw hats with holes are not as good at keeping you warm outside.

Footwear That Covers Your Feet

However, if you're going barefoot or wearing sandals or flip-flops, be sure to apply sunscreen to all exposed skin. A broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher should be applied to all exposed skin in addition to wearing sun-protective apparel. Contact a board-certified dermatologist if you have any concerns about how to protect your skin from the sun and avoid skin cancer.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Hannah Nelson from Pexels
You brush, floss, and go to the dentist on a regular basis to maintain your smile bright and healthy, but do you know which practices really harm your teeth? Snacking on sugary foods between meals is certainly a poor habit, but some other behaviors that harm teeth are less visible. Is there anything you do every day that jeopardizes your dental health? Here are some bad oral hygiene behaviors to avoid.

1. Brushing Your Teeth and Gums Excessively

Yes, it is possible to overbrush your teeth. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), using a firm-bristled toothbrush or brushing too forcefully might harm your gums and teeth. To prevent this, wash your teeth gently in broad strokes with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

2. Biting Your Nails

Consider the potential harm to your jaw and teeth if you need another reason to quit chewing your nails. Nail biting, according to the ADA, may cause jaw dysfunction since it leads you to maintain your jaw in a protruded posture for lengthy periods of time. Nail biting may also cause tooth damage. To break the habit, paint your nails with nail polish.

3. Ice Chewing

Do you mindlessly nibble on the leftover ice cubes after completing a nice, delicious drink? To avoid the danger of a damaged tooth or filling, the ADA suggests sipping via a straw or drinking without ice to help you stop the habit.

4. Teeth Clenching or Grinding

Clenching and grinding one's teeth is a common subconscious behavior, but it may lead to tooth damage, muscular discomfort, and limited jaw mobility. The ADA advises relaxation techniques, a nocturnal mouth guard, and being more aware of when the clenching or grinding begins to help avoid this hazardous practice.

5. Use of Tobacco

Tobacco products, whether cigarettes, cigars, or chewing tobacco, are all detrimental to your teeth and gums, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Tobacco use raises your chances of developing gum disease, foul breath, dry mouth, tooth decay, and oral cancer. Consult your doctor about cigarette cessation programs.

6. Thumb or Finger Sucking

Sucking thumbs or fingers is normal for newborns, but beyond the age of five, the behavior may lead to misaligned teeth, according to the Cleveland Clinic. This misalignment might lead to major tooth issues as the youngster gets older. If your kid is 5 or older and still sucking their thumb or finger, their doctor or pediatric dentist can help you wean them off thumb sucking.

7. Making Use of Toothpicks

After a meal, you may believe it's a good idea to remove food particles from your teeth with a toothpick or another non-dental device, but the Mayo Clinic warns that this practice might harm and infect your gums. To remove food lodged between your teeth, floss or use ADA-approved dental cleaning equipment.

8. Improper Use of Your Teeth

According to the ADA, if you hold anything in your teeth or bite open a box, you risk harm to your jaw or a shattered tooth. Take your time and avoid using your teeth as a third hand or a pair of scissors.

9. Drinking Soda

According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, consuming carbonated soft drinks on a regular basis may lead to damaged tooth enamel. Replace bottled water with plain water (ideally fluoridated), milk, or green or black tea. These may assist to build your enamel and protect your teeth from microorganisms in your mouth.

10. Eating Sugary Snacks

According to the American Dental Association, consuming high-sugar snacks between meals feeds the germs in your mouth that cause tooth decay. Eat balanced meals to reduce hunger between meals, and if you do eat anything sweet, drink lots of water afterward.

11. Ignoring the Dentist

Along with these tooth-damaging practices, neglecting preventative dental treatment might have an influence on your oral health. It's easy to convince yourself that you're too busy for a dental exam, or that the pang of discomfort you feel every time you bite down will go away on its own but don't put off seeing your dentist. Make the effort to schedule a dentist appointment the next time you're tempted to put it off.
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